Discover the Enchanting Secrets of Your Weekly Horoscope!

Taurus: Re-setting Your Rhythm

- A pivotal month for Taurus. - The powerful lunar eclipse on the 28th. - Embrace life-altering choices.

Gemini: You Have the Power

– You have more control than you think. – Confidence grows with each step. – Believe in your own resources.

Cancer: Respond with Neutrality

– Avoid fueling unnecessary drama. – You can't control every detail. – Embrace life's unpredictability.

Leo: Regenerating Possibilitie

– Don't assume it's the end. – Add new elements for transformation. – Embrace change with an open heart.

Virgo: Confronting Change

– Sun and Mercury vs. Pluto. – Change your perception. – Turn challenges into opportunities.

Libra: A Powerful Realization

– Create your own reality. – Deep cleanse for clarity. – Reshape your focus and direction.

Sagittarius: Manifesting the Good

– Focus on the positive. – Move beyond limitations. – Imagine a better future.

Capricorn: Embrace Your Power

– Face your inner strength. – Be the change you seek. – Generate light, not darkness.

Aquarius: A Vision of Benevolence

– Expand possibilities for all. – Challenge power imbalances. – Offer a different vision.

Pisces: Settle into Knowing

– Transformation takes time. – Embrace inner wisdom. – Avoid knee-jerk reactions.a